Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Most of the time... it so happens..

most of the time..
it so happens...

most of the time..
it so happens...
by the time u realise..
wht u "just" did..
it is "already"..
too late...
to undo what u've done..

most of the time..
it so happens..
by the time u realise..
what u "just" said..
it is "already"..
too late..
to take it back..

most of the time..
it so happens..
by the time u realise..
it "just" rained..
it is "already"..
too late..
to go out and dance..

most of the time..
it so happens..
by the time u realise..
what u "just" dreamt..
it is "already"..
too late..
to make it come true...

most of the time..
it so happens..

image : weheartit.com
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P.S. Song for the post... I want to break free... by Queen


Jigyasa said...


And I love the track....by Queen! It's my all time favorite :)

Alcina said...

Yes it happens most of the time :)

In the third para about rain..u have eaten up a 'l' :P

I just love the use of your dots..makes each poem so different as if thinking after each word or line said into the subtlety ..

Rupesh Agarwal said...

Hi Jigyasa,

Thanks :)

It has been my ring tone since ages. ;) My manager when I was working in Gurgaon might have thought I am a rebel or something :P :P


Rupesh Agarwal said...

Hey Alc,

About the ".." u know... it has been kinda my signature way of typing... there was time when people used to know by seeing these ".." that it written by me :P

:) :)

Pilot-Pooja said...

So true, it happens with every human being!

Rupesh Agarwal said...
